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ERC Tax Credit, Five Step Process

‍ Qualify online:
‍ A business owner visits either of links below and inputs their business information into our system. The answers help determine whether or not they qualify. If we feel they are a good candidate for the ERC program, we’ll give them an estimate of how much they could receive in ERC rebates.

Are you eligible? Find out here:

APPLY here:

‍Upload required documents
‍The second step is when the business owner securely uploads the necessary payroll and tax documents. We’ll need their 941 payroll tax returns, detailed payroll reports for 2020 and 2021, and basic information on any PPP funding they may have received.

‍Evaluate and analyze documents
‍Once the documents are collected, we send the entire ERC file to our processing partner, ERCS. At this point, they will evaluate and analyze the information provided. They will find the maximum allowable credit the business can get back and give a final analysis. The entire process can take one to three weeks.

‍Send documents for signature
‍In this step, ERCS will send a final analysis containing the amount of the ERC rebate along with forms to sign that will allow them to file for the ERC rebate on the business owner’s behalf. Once they are signed, ERCS files the ERC application with the IRS. ERCS will communicate with the IRS to ensure the business owner receives their full credit.

‍Wait for the check(s) to arrive
‍At this point, the application process is complete! Sit back and relax. The IRS will process the return, and the U.S. Treasury will issue the refund check(s). The client will receive one check for each quarter claimed since the IRS processes the return for each quarter separately. Unlike PPP, ERC funds have no use restrictions and don’t require payback!

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