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Dear Democratic Party & White House: Why the Deception and Gaslighting Regarding Biden’s Cognitive Health?

Over the last few years, numerous instances of President Joe Biden’s cognitive missteps have led to growing concerns about his mental fitness. These include frequent gaffes, memory lapses, and verbal missteps that many believe are indicative of cognitive decline. Despite these evident signs, the White House and the Democratic Party have continued to assert that Biden is fully capable of performing his presidential duties. This raises significant questions about their motivations and the implications of such denials.

Mounting Evidence of Cognitive Decline

Several high-profile incidents have sparked public debate about Biden’s cognitive state. Among the most concerning are his frequent confusions regarding the names of world leaders, dates of significant events, and even simple facts. For example, Biden recently confused French President Emmanuel Macron with former President François Mitterrand and mixed up the current and former German Chancellors. These errors, although sometimes part of normal aging, are alarming when they come from the President of the United States.

In addition to these specific instances, a report highlighted Biden’s difficulties in recalling key details about his tenure as Vice President. This included struggling to remember the years he served in office and the year his son Beau died. Such lapses are not just minor missteps but potentially indicative of a more serious cognitive decline.

Political Implications and Public Deception

Critics argue that the White House and the Democratic Party are deliberately downplaying these signs to maintain political stability and public confidence. Admitting to potential cognitive decline in a sitting president could have profound implications, not just for Biden’s re-election prospects but for the overall image and credibility of the Democratic Party. By denying these issues, they may be attempting to avoid a significant political vulnerability.

The strategic denial can also be seen as an effort to protect Biden’s legacy and the achievements of his administration. Acknowledging cognitive decline could undermine public trust in his leadership and potentially jeopardize ongoing initiatives and policy goals.

The White House’s Defense

The White House has consistently defended Biden’s capabilities, with Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre emphasizing Biden’s leadership and experience. The administration argues that Biden’s long career in politics, marked by significant achievements, demonstrates his capacity to govern effectively despite occasional verbal missteps.

However, this defense often falls short in addressing the specific concerns raised by Biden’s critics. The administration’s focus on his past achievements does little to alleviate fears about his current and future cognitive health.

Public Opinion and Medical Perspectives

A Rasmussen Reports survey found that 59% of likely voters see Biden in mental decline. This widespread concern among voters reflects the impact of his visible cognitive lapses on public perception.

From a medical standpoint, some experts suggest that Biden’s errors could be within the range of normal cognitive aging. However, others, like forensic psychiatrist Dr. Carole Lieberman, argue that these patterns are typical symptoms of dementia. The White House’s refusal to acknowledge these concerns only adds to the public’s mistrust.

Risks to National Security and Public Health

The role of the President is one of immense responsibility, with far-reaching implications for national security and public health. Biden’s cognitive lapses risk undermining the trust and confidence of international allies and adversaries alike. If the President’s decisions are perceived as inconsistent or erratic, it could embolden hostile nations or lead to miscalculations in diplomatic and military engagements.

Furthermore, a president suffering from cognitive decline may struggle to effectively manage domestic crises, including public health emergencies. The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the critical need for clear and decisive leadership. Any perceived or actual impairment in the President’s ability to respond to such crises could result in delayed or inadequate measures, potentially exacerbating public health risks.


The controversy over President Biden’s cognitive health is a complex interplay of political strategy, public perception, and medical evaluation. The Democratic Party and the White House’s continued denial of these concerns appears to be an attempt to maintain political stability and protect Biden’s legacy. However, this approach risks further eroding public trust and credibility. As voters weigh these concerns, the ultimate judgment on Biden’s capability will be reflected in the forthcoming elections.

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