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New Hampshire Primary 2024: Trump vs. Haley

Donald Trump ahead so far, 53% to Haley’s 45%.

The New Hampshire primary on January 23, 2024, marked a pivotal moment in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. Former President Donald Trump and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley went head-to-head in a contest that could shape the future of the Republican Party.

Trump’s Campaign and Confidence

Donald Trump, balancing campaign stops with court appearances, denied any wrongdoing and used the charges against him to bolster his claim of political persecution. Expressing confidence in his New Hampshire campaign, Trump predicted an early victory due to the “incredible” level of enthusiasm from his supporters. At a polling station in Londonderry, he reiterated his excitement and confidence in winning.

Haley’s Strategy and Early Lead

Nikki Haley, who placed third in the Iowa caucuses, focused her campaign on New Hampshire, known for its moderate Republican electorate and predictive power for eventual nominees. Haley aimed to build momentum, stating her goal was to “keep getting stronger.” The first ballots in New Hampshire, from Dixville Notch, surprisingly went 6-0 to Haley over Trump.

Democrats and Biden’s Strategy

President Biden, not on the ballot in New Hampshire’s Democratic primary, planned a rally in Virginia to discuss abortion rights. His team is preparing for a potential rematch with Trump. In New Hampshire, Haley intensified her criticism of Trump, highlighting his relations with authoritarian leaders and questioning his age and mental acuity. These criticisms were also directed at Biden, indicating Haley’s strategy to position herself as a youthful alternative.

Polls and Predictions

Before the primary, polls showed Trump with a significant lead over Haley. A Suffolk University/Boston Globe poll showed Trump leading by 19 points (57% to 38%), and a Monmouth University/Washington Post poll showed an 18-point lead (52% to 34%). Trump’s rally in Laconia emphasized the need for a decisive victory to “send a signal” and criticized Haley as a candidate who puts “America last.”

Haley’s Focus on Trump’s Legal Troubles

Haley, at her campaign events, accused Trump of being preoccupied with his legal and criminal cases, focusing on grievances and vendettas rather than future policies. She aimed to draw a contrast with Trump, presenting herself as a forward-looking candidate.


The New Hampshire primary was more than a contest between two candidates; it was a battle for the soul and direction of the Republican Party. As the primary unfolded, it became clear that the outcome would have significant implications for the 2024 Presidential Election.

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