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Richard Lewis Passed Away

We loved Richard Lewis.  

A quick story.  We were leaving a San Francisco restaurant one evening and walked by his table.  He was dressed in his usual all black.  He saw my surprise and big smile when we made eye contact.  He smiled back and said, “What?”  I told him I had been binge watching Curb Your Enthusiasm and so this felt perfectly normal.  He chuckled, gave me a friendly wave, and I left the restaurant.  

The whole episode took 5 seconds and was an endearing experience with one of our favorite Hollywood personalities.

We miss Richard Lewis already.

Bio below assisted by Gemini AI.

Richard Lewis (1947 – 2024): A Comedy Icon Departs

Richard Lewis, the legendary stand-up comedian, actor, and master of neurotic humor, passed away today at the age of 76. His signature black attire, perpetually anxious energy, and brutally honest self-deprecation made him one of the most distinctive and beloved figures in comedy.

Born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1947, Lewis began his comedic journey in the 1970s. His rants about the trials of everyday life and his own shortcomings resonated deeply, earning him legions of fans and regular appearances on late-night shows throughout the decades.

Lewis’s talents extended to acting, with roles in “Anything but Love,” films like “Robin Hood: Men in Tights,” and his iconic semi-fictionalized portrayal of himself in Larry David’s “Curb Your Enthusiasm.”

A Tribute to the Prince of Pain

Richard Lewis’s comedy was a celebration of discomfort, a hilarious exploration of anxiety, and a testament to the humor found within our darkest anxieties. While his humor was often self-deprecating, it was infused with a sharp wit and a profound understanding of the human condition. His influence on comedy is undeniable, shaping the styles of countless comedians who followed.

The world of comedy lost a true original with the passing of Richard Lewis. His legacy of laughter, honesty, and the relentless ability to find humor in life’s miseries will undoubtedly endure.

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