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Trump Dominates Debate Stage While Harris Avoids the Spotlight

As the much-anticipated Trump-Harris debate takes center stage, one thing is clear: Donald Trump has been the more transparent candidate, granting numerous interviews and facing tough questions from a range of media outlets. In contrast, Kamala Harris has largely stayed out of the public eye, offering only one formal interview in the past six weeks. Even CNN, a traditionally left-leaning network, has begun to question Harris’s evasive behavior, highlighting inconsistencies in her positions.

Trump’s Relentless Media Engagement

Since the campaign season began, Trump has sat down for numerous interviews, addressing a wide range of topics head-on. From his plans to revitalize the economy to his stance on immigration, Trump has made himself available to answer even the most controversial questions. His willingness to engage with both supporters and critics has given voters a clear idea of his policies and vision for the future.

In contrast, Harris has largely kept to prepared speeches and campaign events, avoiding live interviews where her responses would be scrutinized in real time. This avoidance raises questions about her readiness to lead, especially given her role as the Vice President and her potential path to the presidency.

Media Begins Questioning Harris’ Evasiveness

Even Democratic-friendly outlets like CNN have started to scrutinize Harris for her lack of public engagement. Harris’s double standards, particularly in her shifting positions on key issues, have drawn attention. During her 2020 presidential bid, she held more liberal stances on issues like fracking, Medicare for All, and gun buybacks. However, in recent months, she has pivoted to more moderate positions, explaining her shift as pragmatism. Critics, including those within the Democratic party, are now questioning her authenticity and consistency.

Trump’s Strategy: Let Harris Talk

Interestingly, Trump’s approach to the debate has been straightforward: let Harris speak. Known for her “word salad” responses, Harris has a tendency to speak in vague, non-committal phrases, something Trump’s team is betting will work to their advantage. By allowing her to talk at length, Trump’s strategy is to highlight her inconsistencies and lack of clarity, making her vulnerable on the debate stage.

A Critical Moment for Harris

This debate could be a make-or-break moment for Kamala Harris. As she faces sustained questioning for the first time in months, her performance could either reassure Democratic voters or cast further doubt on her ability to lead. Trump, meanwhile, remains confident, relying on his long track record of media engagements and his ability to handle tough questions under pressure.

The contrast between the two candidates could not be starker. Trump’s openness and Harris’s avoidance of live scrutiny will be central themes in the debate and will likely influence voters in the weeks ahead.

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