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Truth Social Stock Starts Trading Tomorrow March 26th

Truth Social, the social media platform launched by former President Donald Trump, is poised to make its stock market debut on Tuesday, March 26, 2024. This significant event comes after a merger between Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG), which owns Truth Social, and Digital World Acquisition Corporation. The merger was approved by shareholders on Friday, March 22, 2024, potentially netting Trump an eventual windfall of over $3 billion ​​.

Background of Truth Social Launched in the aftermath of the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, Truth Social has positioned itself as a platform for open, free, and honest global conversations without discriminating based on political ideology. It aims to stand up to the perceived tyranny of Big Tech​​.

The Stock Market Debut The stock, to be listed under the ticker symbol “DJT,” is expected to attract significant interest from both retail and institutional investors. The merger between TMTG and Digital World Acquisition Corp. is anticipated to inject approximately $300 million into the company​​.

Market Potential Truth Social’s market potential is considerable, given its unique positioning and the current political climate. With increasing concerns over censorship on traditional social media platforms, Truth Social offers an alternative that appeals to a sizable demographic.

Investor Considerations Investors should be aware of the risks and rewards associated with investing in a politically charged platform. While the potential for growth is substantial, the stock may also be subject to volatility due to political developments and regulatory challenges.

Conclusion The stock market debut of Truth Social on March 26, 2024, is a highly anticipated event that has the potential to reshape the social media landscape. With its focus on free speech and a strong user base, Truth Social offers an intriguing investment opportunity. However, investors should approach with caution, considering the platform’s political nature and the associated risks. As trading commences, all eyes will be on DJT to see how it performs in the dynamic stock market environment.

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