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O Show, Cirque du Soleil, Bellagio

O is another masterwork from Cirque du Soleil. An acrobatic festival mixed with water, splashed with concerts of color, vivid costumes, clowns and contortionists. The high dives leave you breathless. The music is live—musicians play from side balconies while singers slip on and off stage.

It’s hard to go wrong with any Cirque show. To further see if the theme fits your fancy, watch the two minute video, which we’ve “favorited” on our YouTube channel. Remember, live is usually ten times better than video, so if you like the video you’ll love the show.

To glean more from the performance, I recommend reading a synopsis from their website or learning a little about their cast of characters. This will help you follow more easily, too, since Cirque du Soleil themes tend toward strange, absurdist styles. For example, Le Vieux: “Eugen is both guide and guardian of the theatre. Strong, yet vulnerable, this aging theatre manager knows all and provokes us to see the dark side of O. His ghostly orchestrations take us on a timeless journey through different worlds as he makes his own transformation from dark to white. He embodies the cyclical part of life where everything old becomes new again.”

The O show is wonderful for young and old, families or first dates, and many people see it twice.

Last note, I suggest showing up a few minutes early to enjoy the fine art gallery, which serves as entrance. Richard MacDonald, accomplished artist and sculptor, takes inspiration from “the infinite beauty of the human body.” I took several pictures last night—slideshow link below.



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